Friday, November 22, 2013

This Week...

November 18- November 22, 2013

Reading:  Students had the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of unit vocabulary and reading strategies in a variety of ways.  By responding to multiple choice questions and extended response prompts, students were able to show what they had learned from unit 2.  They also compared and analyzed three different texts about Venus flytraps.  Students found similarities and differences between the poem and articles.  They also determined the purpose of each text and provided evidence to support their reasoning.  We will begin unit 3 when we return from Thanksgiving break!  Reading Logs are due Monday, December 2.  (100 minutes)
Math:  At the beginning of the week, students analyzed map scales and found the distances between various U.S. landmarks.  Students also practiced reviewing major concepts from unit 4.  Using arrays and pictures, they represented various multiplication/division number stories.  Students took their unit 4 test today!  We will begin unit 5 after break.
Xtra Math practice is due Monday, December 2. (at least 6 sessions)
Social Studies:  We discussed how kids grew up in the Midwest during the late 1800s.  Students wrote pioneer letters written from the perspective of a child living at that time.  We also had a great discussion about the Midwest economy.  We discovered that manufacturing and agriculture provide many jobs for people in the area.  Henry Ford and the assembly line were highlighted.  At the end of the week, students experienced the culture of the Midwest by reading about Mt. Rushmore, Cahokia, the Hmong people, and many other interesting topics.
Writing:  Students finished sharing their personal narratives with the class!  They also took their November writing words test.  Next month, there will not be a December list due to the shortened month.  We also investigated how figurative language can impact a writing piece by looking specifically at metaphors.  In grammar, students reviewed major concepts from unit 2:  common & proper nouns, possessive nouns, and sentence combinations with similar subjects & predicates.
Cursive/Spelling:  Today, we had our unit 2 review test.  After break, we will resume regular spelling and homework.  We will also review our uppercase cursive letters when we return.
Miscellaneous:  Today, we enjoyed a great Art Appreciation session from Shelby’s mom…thank you!  In addition, we learned important safety information from Officer Friendly today!  Progress reports were also sent home.  Please sign the front of the envelope and return the empty envelope to school.  I am looking forward to meeting with you at conferences next week!  Thank you for taking the time to discuss your child’s progress.  Students will return to school on Monday, December 2.  I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving break!  As always, please contact me if you have any questions…enjoy!

Friday, November 15, 2013

October Book Orders

I spoke to Scholastic and our book orders should be on their way shortly.  I apologize for the delay!

I will be sending home the December catalogs shortly.  That way, we will be able to receive the books before winter break.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

This Week...

November 12- November 15, 2013

Reading:  We enjoyed reading a variety of selections based on the “Becoming a Writer” theme!  Determining the author’s purpose through story clues was our main strategy.  We learned that when an author’s main purpose is to inform, he or she may include many facts.  Entertaining and persuading were other purposes we discussed.  We also read different nonfiction articles and provided evidence to support the purpose.  Next week will be our review and assessment week for unit 2. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 18.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We practiced how to use multiplication and division fact triangles to make fact families.  There were many tips and tricks that we practiced in order to start learning our facts.  Students also reviewed how to solve multiplication and division number stories.  Our unit 4 test will be next Friday, November 22.  A review guide will be going home on Wednesday.
Xtra Math practice is due Monday, November 18.

Social Studies:  We started the Midwest unit!  Students learned where the states and capitals are located.  A letter went home this week detailing the expectations for learning this information.  We also read about the landscape of the Midwest.  We discovered that the land was once covered with glaciers, which later formed many of our lakes.  Lewis and Clark’s expedition in the Louisiana territory was also discussed.

Writing:  At the beginning of the week, students edited their personal narratives with a checklist.  They checked for proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.  Then, they started to share their final pieces with the class!  In grammar, students learned how to combine sentences that have the same predicate or the same subject. 

Cursive/Spelling:  Students took their week 11 spelling test.  Next week will be a review week for spelling, so there will be no homework.  We also finished our lowercase cursive packets. 

Miscellaneous:  The November writing words test will be on Thursday, November 21.  This test will be cumulative and cover the October words as well.  Please let me know if you need additional copies of the lists.  We had a wonderful week sharing some of our Flat Stanleys that arrived!  So far, we have learned about Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, and Georgia!  Thank you to everyone who has helped us during this project.  Have a terrific weekend!

Friday, November 8, 2013

This Week...

November 4- November 8, 2013

Reading:  “Animal homes” was the theme for the week!  Students read interesting nonfiction selections about animals and their habitats.  By using a topic-example-detail-detail organizer, students were able to pick out main ideas and find supporting facts.  They also learned how to solve analogies by analyzing the relationships between words.  Students read “Attack of the Germs” in our new National Geographic issue.  They found text evidence to support the author’s claim and help determine the author’s purpose.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday, November 12.  (100 minutes)
Math: We started Unit 4, which focuses on multiplication and division!  A family letter was sent home on Monday.  We practiced drawing arrays to represent basic multiplication problems.  We also solved multiplication number stories using a graphic organizer.  Then, students used counters to model simple division problems.  We also discussed the formal way to write remainders in number models.
Xtra Math practice is due Tuesday, November 12.
Science: Students completed their short research projects by designing an animal that would survive in their biome.  They also learned how insects contribute to the environment through pollination, soil tillage, and food processing.  Today, students took their habitats unit test.  Next week, we will begin our new social studies unit: The Midwest! 
Writing:  In writing, we began our personal narratives!  Students learned the characteristics of this writing genre and selected a piece from their journals to revise.  They started by identifying a strong section and adding more showing details.  Then, they chose a section that needed revision.  After creating their revisions, students worked on their rough drafts.  In grammar, students learned how to write possessive nouns. 
Cursive/Spelling:  Students took their week 10 spelling test.  We continued to work in our cursive packets. 
Miscellaneous:  In honor of the upcoming Veteran’s Day, students wrote thoughtful letters to our nation’s veterans.  These letters will be delivered to a local VA hospital in time for the holiday.  Our class did a wonderful job of filling these veterans’ “buckets” and showing that they matter!  Just a reminder, there will be no school on Monday due to the holiday.  Please let me know if you have any questions…have a terrific weekend!

Friday, November 1, 2013

This Week...

October 28- November 1, 2013

Reading:  Students worked on distinguishing fact from opinion through various Time for Kids articles.  Each article focused on the theme of “Past, Present, and Future”.  Students did an excellent job accessing their background knowledge to discuss future inventions.  They found words key words/phrases, such as “probably, I think, I believe” which helped them locate opinions.  Vocabulary was practiced within the context of various reading pieces. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 4.  (100 minutes)
Math: We continued reviewing important concepts from unit 3.  Students took their unit 3 test on Tuesday.  On Friday, students took a “pop” cumulative math test covering units 1-3.  I will share these results at conferences.  Next week, we will begin unit 4!  A family letter will be sent home on Monday.  Just a reminder, Xtra math practice sessions are due on Monday, November 4.  Thank you for your support as your child learns how to use this website to practice their facts.
Science: Students worked on their short research projects by designing an animal that would survive in their biome.  Physical and behavioral adaptations were detailed by each student in their diagrams.  At the end of the week, students were excited to dissect owl pellets and discover what owls eat!  They matched up their discoveries with a bone matching diagram.  Students learned that most owls eat voles and birds, which helped them determine the owls’ habitats. 
Writing:  We continued working on the skills of focus and showing.  Students were able to write showing details about a particular moment at gym or recess.  They are doing a great job focusing on the use of strong verbs!  In grammar, students learned irregular plural noun forms, such as “feet” and “geese”.  Students also took their October writing words test this week.  The November writing words list will be going home next week.
Cursive/Spelling:  Students took their week 9 spelling test.  We continued to work in our cursive packets. 
Miscellaneous:  Thank you again to all the volunteers who made our Halloween party a success!  A special thank you to Hannah’s mom, Tarek’s, mom, Sebastien’s mom, Addison’s mom, Matthew’s mom, and Ryan’s mom for running various games and activities.  Also, thank you to all the families who donated supplies and treats for our party!  We really enjoyed it!  Also, as we near the end of our habitat unit, we are happy to announce that Scooter and Hermit have found new homes!  Have a great weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!