Friday, March 20, 2015

This Week...

March 16- March 20, 2015

Reading:  Students practiced identifying cause & effect relationships.  They read Beatrice’s Goat, the main selection for the week, which discussed the Heifer International charity organization.  We also read a Time for Kids article about Guinea-worm disease, which affects drinking water in Africa.  Students utilized nonfiction text features to understand important points in the article.
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 30.  (200 minutes) 
Math:  Students continued solving multiplication and division fact extensions.  They used their knowledge of basic facts to solve various puzzles.  They also reviewed how to estimate costs by rounding.  Students took their unit 7 test today.  We will begin unit 8 after spring break.    Xtra Math practice is due Monday, March 30. (6 sessions)  **If students are on double-digit multiplication fact tests, they are not required to do the Xtra math sessions.
Social Studies:  This week, students worked on reviewing major concepts from our Illinois unit.  Students took their unit test on Thursday.  They also took their West states and capitals test on Wednesday.  We will be starting our new science unit next when we return from spring break: The Solar System!
Writing:  In writing, students learned about persuasive writing!  We discussed the importance of supporting your opinions with facts.  Students read an article about extreme sports.  They took notes for each side of the argument.  Then, they wrote a persuasive essay about why kids should be allowed to play extreme sports.  They used evidence from the text to support their claim.  In grammar, we focused on subject and object pronouns. 
Spelling/Cursive:  Today, we took our week 26 spelling test. 
Miscellaneous:  On Monday, students enjoyed a presentation from the Cook County Farm Bureau.  They learned about agribusiness and how important farming is to the state of Illinois.  Students also worked on Google presentations, posters, and models to show what they learned during their PL (Personalized Learning) research experience!  Just a reminder, March book orders are due today.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing spring break!

Friday, March 13, 2015


Please click the link below to get to our classroom coding page! 

Mrs. Morizzo's Class Coding Site

This Week...

March 9- March 13, 2015

Reading:  Boom Town was the main selection, which was a historical fiction piece based on the California Gold Rush.  They worked on sequencing important events in the story.  Students also worked hard researching an Illinois topic for a class quilt project!  They used their researching skills to read articles, books, and websites.  They also continued working on their PL research projects.  Students are doing a wonderful job documenting their learning using various note-taking strategies.  They are also giving each other important peer feedback regarding their research.
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 16.  (100 minutes) 
Math:  At the beginning of the week, students created equations using parentheses to solve for various number stories.  They also started solving extended fact problems based on their knowledge of basic multiplication facts.  The unit 7 math test will be on Friday, March 20.  A review guide will be going home next week.
 Xtra Math practice is due Monday, March 16. (3 sessions)  **If students are on double-digit multiplication fact tests, they are not required to do the Xtra math sessions.
Social Studies:  Agriculture and Illinois industries were a main area of focus this week.  Students explored how farm products are turned into food and how it reaches consumers.  We also had a rich discussion about various industries, such as manufacturing and business.  Students identified adults they knew and where their jobs fit in the various industry categories.  Our Illinois unit test will be next Thursday, March 19.  A review guide will go home next week.  The West states and capitals test will be Wednesday, March 18.
Writing:  In writing, students practiced homophones and shared their response to literature essays with other third graders!  In grammar, we focused on singular and plural pronouns. 
Spelling/Cursive:  Today, we took our week 25 spelling test. 
Miscellaneous:  This week, students worked very hard on PARCC testing, which concluded on Wednesday!  Today, progress reports went home.  Student work from the trimester was included with the report.  Please sign and return the empty envelope as soon as possible…thank you!  Just a reminder, book orders are due on March 20.  Have a great weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, March 6, 2015

This Week...

March 2- March 6, 2015

Reading:  We began our personalized learning projects!  Students were so excited to begin researching their “I Wonder” question.  They spent time researching their topics using books, articles, and websites.  They used their website evaluation guidelines to make sure they were using reliable sources.  While researching, students used various note-taking organizers to document their learning.  Some of these organizers included “boxes & bullets”, “sketch & label”, and “t-charts”.  Then, they reflected on their learning.  They wrote plans, scored themselves in the areas of effort and achievement, and reflected on their research time.  It has been wonderful watching students discover new information and questions about their topics!  We also took the PARCC reading assessments this week.
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 9.  (100 minutes) 
Math:  We began unit 7!  Students discovered that square products are formed by multiplying two identical factors.  A family letter went home highlighting the major concepts from unit 7.  Students also made multiplication/division fact triangles.  Please encourage your child to be practicing these at home. 
 Xtra Math practice is due Monday, March 9. (3 sessions)
Social Studies:  We discussed how Illinois became a state by focusing on particular countries and important individuals.  Students also watched a video on Abraham Lincoln and discussed his importance in our state.  They created Lincoln collages based on significant events in his life.  At the end of the week, we discussed how Illinois has changed during important events in our country’s history, including The Great Depression and Prohibition.  Students also explored the effects of The Great Chicago Fire and how it changed the way the city was designed. 
Writing:  In writing, students completed their response to literature essays!  They used an editing checklist to make final changes.  Next week, we will share our essays with our classmates.  In grammar, we reviewed major concepts from unit 4.
Spelling/Cursive:  Today, we had our unit 4 review test. 
Miscellaneous:  PARCC testing continues next Tuesday and Wednesday in the area of math…thank you for your continued support during the testing window!  March book order forms went home this week...they will be due on March 20.  Please let me know if you have any questions!  Have a terrific weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Personalized Learning Experience!

Students were so excited to start their personal learning projects this week!  They focused on researching, documenting, monitoring their learning, reflecting, and giving peer feedback!  Below are some of the topics they are studying!  

What's inside the earth?
What types of pollution affect the earth?
What is global warming?
What causes wrinkles?
How are crayons made?
What makes Wayne Gretzky a good hockey player?
Why is Michael Jordan so good?
How do oysters make pearls?
Why is Jonathan Toews the captain?
How does the brain work?
What makes Pokemon so interesting?
Why is there gravity on earth?
How do animals show feelings?
How do airplanes fly?
Why do volcanoes erupt?
What makes Jeff Kinney a good author?
How does an oak tree provide shelter to animals?
Why is Patrick Kane a good player?