Friday, November 17, 2017

This Week...

November 13- November 17, 2017

Reading:  Students determined the “big idea” of an article about chimpanzees.  They figured out that the first sentence of a paragraph will usually help them find the topic.  Nonfiction text features, like captions and photographs, can also help readers figure out the big idea.  Students also learned that good readers access their prior knowledge, ask questions, and document their thinking.  While reading various nonfiction books, students recorded their thinking on KWL charts.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 27.  (200 minutes)
Math:  We spent the week reviewing how to use bar models to solve multi-step word problems.  On Thursday, students took their chapter 5 test.  When we return from break, we will begin chapter 6, which focuses on multiplication.
Social Studies:  At the beginning of the week, we started the Midwest unit!  Students learned where the states and capitals are located.  A letter went home this week detailing the expectations for learning this information.  We also read about the landscape of the Midwest.  We discovered that the land was once covered with glaciers, which later formed many of our lakes.  We also focused on Native American life in the early 1800s and how the buffalo was vital to their survival.  Lewis and Clark’s expedition in the Louisiana territory was discussed. 
Writing:  Students practiced writing special letters about the Thanksgiving season.  They also had the opportunity to share their personal narratives with students in Mrs. Lo’s class.  In grammar, students focused on turning singular nouns into plural nouns.
Word Study:  Students worked with words that had similar spelling patterns.  They focused on certain vowel sounds by dividing the words into onsets and rimes.  Then, they did a word making activity that asked them to follow the patterns.
Miscellaneous:  Progress reports were sent home today.  Please sign the front of the envelope and return the empty envelope to school.  I am looking forward to meeting with you at conferences next week!  Thank you for taking the time to discuss your child’s progress.  Students will return to school on Monday, November 27.  I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving break!  As always, please contact me if you have any questions…enjoy!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Veterans Day!

We were so excited to attend the beautiful Veterans Day Assembly today.  We honored the important people who served our country.  We were lucky to have Mia's grandpa come to our classroom after the assembly.  He shared his experiences from Vietnam and answered all of our questions!  Thank you for your service to our country!

This Week...

November 6- November 10, 2017

Reading:  Summarizing was our main topic this week!  Students learned how to write an effective summary by focusing on the following question words: who, what, when, where, why, and how.  We practiced writing a summary after reading a TFK article about the amount of homework given to students in the United States.  On Monday, students enjoyed a visit from Henry Cole, the author of A Nest for Celeste!  They enjoyed listening to stories about what inspired him to become a writer and illustrator.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 13.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We spent the week focusing on bar models.  This is a new concept for students and we will continue practicing in class.  Students are learning to use bar models to help them visualize which operation they should use: addition or subtraction.  The unit 5 test will be on Thursday, November 16.  The chapter review will be going home next week.  At the end of the week, students represented multiplication problems in various ways (arrays, multiple addition, equal groups, etc.).
Science:  Students continued their severe weather research in the LMC using PebbleGoNext.  They also spent the week reviewing key concepts from our weather unit.  Today, students took their weather test.  Next week, we will begin our new social studies unit: The Midwest!
Writing:  Students worked on the editing process and completed the final copies of their personal narratives!  They are excited to share them with each other next week.  In grammar, students differentiated between common and proper nouns. 
Word Study:  Students worked with words that had similar vowel combinations that produced different sounds.  An example included “moon” and “look”.  Students created word lists that followed these patterns and then played a game with partners to practice the words.
Miscellaneous:  We really enjoyed honoring a group of very special veterans today!  We were so lucky to have Mia’s grandpa visit our class and share his stories.  We are very grateful for his service and dedication to our country!  November book orders are due November 29.  These will be the last book orders that will arrive before winter break.  As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child brings warm outerwear for recess…thank you!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, November 3, 2017

This Week...

October 30- November 3, 2017

Reading:  Students became word detectives using a book about animal tongues!  We discussed how many nonfiction texts have challenging, content-specific vocabulary.  Students learned three strategies to use when coming across an unknown word: using context clues, accessing prior knowledge, and using the glossary.  At the end of the week, students practiced summarizing the key points of a text.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 6.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We spent the week reviewing major concepts from unit 4.  Students solved various problems that involved multiple step regrouping.  Students took their unit 4 test on Thursday.  We will begin unit 5 on Monday.  A family letter outlining the areas of focus will be going home on Monday.
Science:  This week, students began researching different types of severe weather in the LMC!  They focused on finding important characteristics by using a variety of resources.  The weather unit test will be next Friday, November 10.  A review guide and flashcards will be going home to help students in the studying process.
Writing:  Personal narrative rough drafts were the focus this week.  Students made revisions to their pieces by adding more showing details.  They also met in pairs to give each other peer feedback.  In grammar, we reviewed major concepts from unit 1.
Word Study:  Students continued working on compound word and consonant digraphs.  They learned common consonant digraph endings, such as “hatch” and “push”.  Students played “Lotto” to practice identifying these common endings.  We also categorized various compound words.  We focused on compound words that have the same main word, such as: doorknob, doorbell, and doorstep.
Miscellaneous:  Students had a wonderful time celebrating Halloween at the beginning of the week!  Thank you to Matthew’s mom, Graham’s mom, Riley’s mom, Dylan’s mom, Zach’s mom, Julia’s mom, and Sophie’s mom for helping with our party!  On Thursday, students enjoyed the fourth grade musical.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions…have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween Party!

We had such a great time at our Halloween party!  Thank you to all the parent volunteers who made it possible!