Monday, April 30, 2018

Beautiful Flowers!

Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers!  It was very kind of each student to think of me  They made beautiful bouquets!  I appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Friday, April 27, 2018

This Week...

April 23- April 27, 2018

Reading:  We read a variety of poems that contained many sensory details.  Students learned they could use sensory details to figure out unknown vocabulary words.  We also practiced a reading strategy that focused on numbers and statistics.  Using their Chicago textbooks, students identified how numbers and statistics help them comprehend important facts.  These number words can also help us visualize!
Reading Logs are due Monday, April 30.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We continued working on skills within our fraction unit!  Students learned that equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal.  They also learned that they can find equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number.  At the end of the week, students worked on simplifying fractions.  They had to figure out the greatest common factor and use their division skills to create fractions in their simplest form.
Social Studies:  Students analyzed and discussed pictures of artifacts that were found in the city after the Great Chicago Fire.  We also read a narrative account from a Great Chicago Fire survivor.  After reading and discussing the impact of the fire, students wrote letters from a survivor’s perspective.  They were able to include key information about how the tragedy changed the city of Chicago.  Chicago’s rich culture was also investigated by studying the various ethnic neighborhoods in the city. 
Writing:  We read The Secret Shortcut and identified parts of the story’s structure: introduction, problem, rising actions, climax, and resolution.  Students also created believable problems that their characters could encounter.   In grammar, we focused on irregular verbs.
Word Study:  This week, students continued working on making nouns plural.  They practiced the rules with a game of Lotto.  Using parts of words that you know to spell other words was another skill students practiced.
Miscellaneous:  Just a reminder, the South states and capitals test will be on Tuesday, May 1.  Please let me know if you need additional practice sheets.  Also, Dryden will be partnering with Bernie’s Book Bank by hosting a book drive from May 7th-May 18th.  Next week, a flyer and additional information will be shared.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2018

This Week...

April 16- April 20, 2018

Reading:  We continued our study of poetry!  Students figured out how poets utilize white space and line breaks to help the reader understand the message.  We also discussed the importance of reading a poem “start to finish”.  Students determined the meaning of a poem after each stanza.  They learned that it is necessary to read a poem in its entirety to truly understand the meaning.  Finally, students analyzed a poet’s style by comparing and contrasting poems by the same author.
Reading Logs are due Monday, April 23.  (100 minutes)
Math:  At the beginning of the week, we spent time reviewing important concepts from unit 11.  The unit 11 test went home today and should be signed & returned on Monday.  We also started unit 14!  This unit will focus on fraction concepts.  A family letter explaining the topics went home on Thursday.  Students learned that fractions can represent part of a whole or part of a set.  Unit fractions and like fractions were discussed.  Students also learned important terms like “numerator” and “denominator”.
Social Studies:  We discussed the history behind the settlement of Chicago, including Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable, our city’s founder.  Students also read a real diary account, preserved from the Chicago Historical Society, written by a woman living at Fort Dearborn back in the 1800s.  Students discovered interesting problems Chicago had when it was first formed and how transportation transformed the city of in the late 1800s.  Students also learned what the symbols on the Chicago flag stand for and why it’s an important part of our city’s history.
Writing:  In celebration of Earth Day, students created projects based on Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax.  They were each able to “speak for” something in nature that needs protection.  In WEX, students used showing details and strong verbs to write about their character doing an activity in the kitchen.  They also completed a revision assignment where they added more showing details to a section in their writing.  In grammar, students learned about helping verbs.
Word Study:  This week, students focused on making plural nouns by following certain rules.  They learned that words that end with a consonant and an “o” require an “es” at the end.  They also learned that words that end with a vowel and an “o” require just an “s” at the end.  They completed a word sort to practice these ideas.
Miscellaneous:  On Thursday, students participated in an evacuation drill to practice what we would do if there was a fire in the building.  As the weather continues to change, please be sure your child has appropriate attire for outdoor recess…thank you!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Elgin Symphony Orchestra

We had a wonderful field trip to the Elgin Symphony Orchestra!  We enjoyed a variety of songs and learned about the instruments.

This Week...

April 9- April 13, 2018

Reading:  Students continued reading various poems.  Students analyzed the subjects of poems to determine the poets’ inspirations.  We also discussed how the language a poet uses can elicit a certain mood or feeling for the reader.  Students connected to the poems through personal experiences to deepen their understanding.  We also talked about how poetry can contain difficult vocabulary or use words in unusual ways.  We used our background knowledge and context clues to determine the meaning of words.
Reading Logs are due Monday, April 16.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Capacity and volume were the areas of focus this week!  Students learned that capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold.  Volume is the amount of liquid a container is actually holding.  We focused on using milliliters and liters.  Students practiced reading scales and converting measurements.  On Monday, students will complete a review for chapter 11.  The chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 18.
Science:  Students reviewed key concepts from our force and motion unit.  They took their unit test today.  In the LMC, students used BrainPop to create word meaning maps about static electricity.  Next week, we will begin our next social studies unit: Chicago!
Writing:  In WEX, students brainstormed typical morning activities for their characters.  They worked on incorporating strong verbs and dialogue to show how their characters reacted during these activities.  In grammar, students focused linking verbs.
Word Study:  This week, students analyzed the parts of speech.  They sorted words into the categories of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.  They also sorted concrete and abstract nouns. 
Miscellaneous:  On Monday, students participated in the spring bus evacuation session.  They learned important safety rules to follow while riding the bus.  On Thursday, students enjoyed our Elgin Symphony Orchestra field trip!  They were exposed to various instruments during a variety of classical songs.  Next Tuesday, April 17, we will be taking our MAP math test.  Please let me know if you have any questions…have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Spring MAP Testing

Just a reminder...spring MAP testing will begin next week.  You can find our schedule below:

Friday, April 13 (Reading MAP Test: 1:10)

Tuesday, April 17 (Math MAP Test: 9:15)

Please let me know if you have any questions...thank you!

Friday, April 6, 2018

This Week...

April 3- April 6, 2018

Reading:  Students were excited to start our next unit: poetry!  We learned that poetry can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Students analyzed various poems and noticed different types of elements.  Some of these included the shape, font, amount of stanzas, colors, and print size.   We also talked about the following poetic techniques: alliteration, repetition, and onomatopoeia.  Students learned how to identify these techniques within different poems, while also inferring why the poets used them. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, April 9.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We dove right into chapter 11!  Students investigated the metric system by focusing on centimeters, meters, and kilometers.  They worked on converting these measurements.  At the end of the week, students focused on grams and kilograms.
Science:  Static electricity was our focus this week!  Students learned that when they rub a balloon with a wool cloth, it produces an electrical charge.  This electrical charge produced a force called static electricity.  Students investigated with the balloons and observed how they interacted with other materials in the classroom.  Some of the objects were attracted, while others repelled.  We will be having our forces unit test on Friday, April 13.  Flashcards will be going home next week that students can use to help them study.
Writing:  We began unit 3 in our WEX program!  Students enjoyed learning about how to develop a fictional character.  By analyzing photographs, students described what their character would be thinking, feeling, and saying in various settings.  In grammar, we focused on verbs “be”, “do”, and “have”. 
Word Study:  This week, students analyzed words that had similar syllable patterns.  Knowing these patterns helped students learn how to spell other words.  They played a game of “Go Fish” to practice the patterns.
Miscellaneous:  Welcome back!  I hope you all had an enjoyable spring break.  On Thursday, we will be having our field trip to the Elgin Symphony Orchestra.  A reminder note will be sent home at the beginning of next week.  April book orders went home today and are due Wednesday, April 25.  Finally, the South states and capitals information went home at the beginning of the week.  This will be our last region of the year and the test will be on May 1.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions…have a fabulous weekend!