Friday, November 30, 2018

Weather Videos!

Students worked very hard researching severe weather!  After reading, taking notes, and creating a script, the groups filmed a weather video!  Please click on the link below to view our class projects!

This Week...

November 27- November 30, 2018

Reading:  Students determined the “big idea” of an article about chimpanzees.  They figured out that the first sentence of a paragraph will usually help them find the topic.  Nonfiction text features, like captions and photographs, can also help readers figure out the big idea.  Students also focused on the chronological text structure while reading an article about John F. Kennedy.   
Reading Logs are due Monday, December 3rd.  (200 minutes)
Math:  We focused on division story problems and how to draw pictures of equal groups.  Students worked on missing factor equations and reviewed for their unit 6 test, which will be on Monday, December 3rd.  Please remind your child to practice his/her basic multiplication facts. 
Social Studies:  We discussed how kids grew up in the Midwest during the late 1800s.  Students learned that families lived in soddy houses and shared many different chores on the farm.  We also had our introduction to the Midwest states and capitals.  Students will need to be able to match the state with its correct capital.  They also are learning a states and capitals song in music class with Mr. Deptula!
Writing:  After reading about the pioneers in social studies, students wrote letters written from the perspective of a child living in the Midwest during the 1800s.  In grammar, students focused on turning singular nouns into plural nouns.  They made sure to add –es to words with special endings (ch, sh, s, and x). 
Word Study:  Students learned that certain words can be grouped together based on their meaning.  They brainstormed groups of words that had similar meanings.  Next, students created word maps based on a general topic.  For example, they determined which words fit with the word: ocean.  Then, they mapped out the words into subcategories.
Miscellaneous:  I hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving break and enjoyed the snow day!  This week, students participated in two different Zones of Regulation lessons.  They learned how to identify the size of a problem and how it relates to the zones.  They also used the “Stop, Opt, and Go” strategy to find ways to fix a problem.  We had a great discussion about how useful these strategies can be when we encounter a problem.  If you have extra cardboard around your house, you can still send it to school on Monday…thank you for all the donations so far.  Students are very excited to start the Cardboard Challenge process next week!  Have a fabulous weekend and please let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Multiplication Fun!

Students have been working hard on multiplication!  They designed posters to demonstrate their understanding of certain facts.  They showed a variety of ways to represent multiplication!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Cardboard Challenge Supplies Needed!

Our class will be participating in Dryden’s own version of the Global Cardboard Challenge in December, inspired by a 9 year old boy, who built an arcade entirely out of cardboard.  This cardboard idea sparked a movement and the Imagination Foundation, whose mission is to foster creativity and entrepreneurship in children around the world.

Students will be working in small groups to design something out of cardboard.  They may have some parameters with ideas as to what the “something” could be, but the idea of this project is to foster collaboration and creativity.  Students will also be problem solving, reflecting, and giving/receiving feedback as they design. The culminating activity will be an hour in the morning or afternoon of sharing and play with other classrooms that participated as well.

The classroom is in need of cardboard- all shapes, sizes, and colors!  Please DO NOT send in cardboard that contained food at any point for allergy purposes.  Examples of some great boxes- shoe boxes, Amazon boxes, etc. If you could break some of the larger pieces down, that would be great!  Please send in boxes by Friday, November 30th. Many thanks in advance for your help!

We can’t wait to get creative!!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Weather Tools!

Students spent the week designing, revising, and building weather tools that would help people during severe weather.  They helped each other build the tools using various materials.  Then, they had a chance to share their creations with their classmates!  I was so proud of how well they worked together!

All of our supplies...thank you for the donations!

Crazy Hair Day!

We had so much fun celebrating Crazy Hair Day!

This Week...

November 12- November 16, 2018

Reading:  Students learned that good readers access their prior knowledge, ask questions, and document their thinking.  While reading various nonfiction books, students recorded their thinking on KWL charts.  We also used various nonfiction text features to do some content area reading with our new social studies unit: The Midwest!  We read about the landscape of the Midwest.  We discovered that the land was once covered with glaciers, which later formed many of our lakes.  We also focused on Native American life in the early 1800s and how the buffalo was vital to their survival.  Lewis and Clark’s expedition in the Louisiana territory was discussed. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 26.  (200 minutes)
Math:  We continued working on unit 6.  Students focused on their 6, 7, 8, and 9 multiplication facts.  They practiced using the “use a fact you already know” strategy.  Using arrays, number lines, multiple addition, and pictures was also practiced throughout the week.  The unit 6 test will be on Friday, November 30th.  A chapter review will be going home the week after Thanksgiving break.
Science:  At the beginning of the week, students took their weather unit test.  The rest of the week was spent designing, revising, and building weather tools that would be helpful during severe weather.  Students worked collaboratively to create their visions with various supplies.  Once all projects were completed, students had a chance to share their tools with classmates.  They did a wonderful job!  Thank you again to those who donated supplies…the students loved the opportunity to create and invent!
Writing:  Students shared their personal narratives with each other!  They also worked on developing a tiny moment with strong verbs and showing details.  In grammar, students focused on nouns.  They differentiated between common and proper nouns.   
Word Study:  Students worked with words that had similar spelling patterns.  They focused on certain vowel sounds by dividing the words into onsets and rimes.  Then, they did a word making activity that asked them to follow the patterns. 
Miscellaneous:  Students enjoyed participating in Crazy Hair Day!  Progress reports will be emailed home today.  Students will return to school on Monday, November 26th.  November book orders are also due on the 26th.  I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving break!  Thank you for your support at home.  As always, please contact me if you have any questions…enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Personal Narratives!

Students were excited to share their personal narratives with classmates!  They loved sharing an important moment from their lives through writing.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Veterans Day Visit!

We were so lucky to have two veterans come to our classroom today to share their experiences with us!  Thank you to Jack's grandpa and Aubrey's grandpa for visiting with us.  We truly appreciate your service to our country!

This Week...

November 5- November 9, 2018

Reading:  Students worked on comparing and contrasting with various nonfiction articles.  They also practiced finding the main idea and details in different passages.  We talked about how the main idea can usually be found in the topic sentence of a section.  The supporting details are usually embedded within the text.  At the end of the week, students read biographies about famous people.  They used the chronological text structure to learn about important parts of their lives.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 12.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Students took their unit 5 test on Monday.  We also began unit 6!  Students learned how multiplication problems can be represented by arrays and number lines.  They also learned that factors can be in any order due to the commutative property.  Even and odd numbers were also discussed.
Science:  We focused on various climates this week!  Students learned the difference between weather and climate.  We looked at various places around the country and discovered characteristics of certain climates.  Students figured out that we live in a humid continental climate.  At the end of the week, we reviewed for our weather test by playing Kahoot.  Flashcards went home on Wednesday…please encourage your child to use these as he/she studies for the test.  The weather test will be Monday, November 12th.
Writing:  Students worked on the editing process and completed the final copies of their personal narratives!  They are excited to share them with each other next week.  In grammar, students combined similar sentences with a comma and a connecting word.  We also learned about primary and secondary sources.   
Word Study:  Students focused on homophones.  They learned that homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things.  They looked for context clues to help them figure out which homophone fit the sentence.  They also completed another week of buddy spelling! 
Miscellaneous:  We really enjoyed honoring a group of very special veterans today!  We were so lucky to have Jack and Aubrey’s grandfathers visit our class and share their stories.  We are very grateful for his service and dedication to our country!  Next week, we will begin our hands-on science projects!  Students will be designing and creating a weather tool that could be used for a certain type of severe weather…we appreciate the many donations that students brought in for these projects!  November book orders are due November 26.  These will be the last book orders that will arrive before winter break.  As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child brings warm outerwear for recess…thank you!  Have a wonderful weekend!