August 26- August 30, 2013
Reading: We started the first week of our Treasures reading program! Students
worked on identifying the plot of a story. First Day Jitters was our main selection. As
we read, we looked for main characters, the setting, and the beginning, middle, and
end. We practiced figuring out unknown vocabulary using context clues. Students also
identified and formed compound words. At the end of the week, students read a
National Geographic article about bats. We focused on identifying the main ideas of
the selection, as well as recording our own thinking about the information in a double
entry reading log.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday, September 3. (100 minutes)
Math: This week, we dove into our first math unit. Students reviewed number
sequences and patterns. They also practiced using their number grids to solve addition
and subtraction problems. In addition, students had the opportunity to explore their
student reference books. They were very excited to see the types of resources available
in the book. At the end of the week, students explored different ways to write
equivalent names for numbers. The first fact tests of the year were also given. Please
remind your child to be practicing their basic facts at home. In general, fact tests will
be given twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Social Studies: Students explored our first social studies unit: map skills! They
looked at a variety of maps, including community maps. They compared and
contrasted maps and aerial photographs. Cardinal and intermediate directions were
reviewed, in addition to the location of the seven continents.
Writing: In writing, we discussed letter form. Students learned the various
components of a letter, including greetings, indents, closings, and dates. They applied
their knowledge to write a letter to their parents, outlining the first week of school! In
grammar, students differentiated between sentences and fragments. Students also
worked on sentence elaboration by learning the importance of including details. They
realized that if the writer does not use specific words, the reader cannot form an
accurate picture in his or her mind. Students experimented with this idea by starting to
create their own juicy sentences about a favorite animal.
Cursive/Spelling: In cursive this week, students worked on making the various
strokes required for many of the lowercase letters. They also wrote the lower case “i, t,
u, and w”. We took our week 1 spelling test.
Miscellaneous: I had a wonderful time meeting many of you on Curriculum Night! I
truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for the upcoming school year. Please
remind your child to bring a water bottle to school in order to help him/her stay
hydrated during this hot weather. Just a reminder, there will be no school on Monday
(Labor Day holiday). Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy the long
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