7- October 11, 2013
Reading: This week, students worked hard applying
a summarizing strategy to various readings. They practiced completing story maps for texts that
focused on the weekly theme: putting on a performance. The texts included “The Wind and the
Sun”, and “The Strongest One”.
We also spent time working with antonyms. The text feature of the week involved students analyzing
the purpose of captions in nonfiction articles. At the end of the week, students read various articles from
National Geographic and completed an FQR chart (Fact, Question,
Response). We talked about the importance
of “metacognition” while reading (thinking about our thinking). Students identified important facts,
developed questions related to the facts, and then shared their
responses/thinking about the information presented in the article.
Reading Logs are due Wednesday,
October 16. (100 minutes)
Math: We began unit 3! An informational letter was sent home
detailing important concepts of the unit. Measurement was the main focus of the week! We read the story How Big Is A
Foot? to understand the importance of standard units of measure. Students did a hands-on activity
where we found our average class shoe size. They also practiced measuring line segments to the nearest
whole, half, and quarter inch. At
the end of the week, students measured the perimeter of polygons. By measuring each side of a shape,
students realized they could determine the perimeter.
Science: Students enjoyed
planting their very own seeds!
Over the next few weeks, students will be monitoring plant growth and
making careful observations.
Students sang the photosynthesis song to remember the important steps
a plant takes in order to make its own food. Students also participated in a hands-on paper cutting
activity that demonstrated how the Illinois prairie is rapidly
disappearing. Students learned
that development and farming are major factors that have contributed to the
decrease in prairie acres. We
also finished our hermit crab research presentations! All students learned valuable
information from each other regarding the hermit crabs and their
habitats. Next week, we will be
learning about various biomes!
Writing: Students worked on a
new skill: showing! Students
learned to differentiate between telling and showing sentences. Showing sentences give readers a
clear visualization of what is happening at a certain moment. In grammar, students discriminated
between common and proper nouns.
Cursive/Spelling: Students took their week
7 spelling test. We also wrote
the cursive “v” and “e” in our cursive packets.
Miscellaneous: On Monday, students participated in a bus
evacuation drill to review and practice important bus safety rules! Just a reminder, there will be no
school for students on Monday (Columbus Day) or Tuesday (School Improvement
Day). Enjoy the long weekend!
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