Friday, November 14, 2014

This Week...

November 10- November 14, 2014

Reading:  We enjoyed reading Helen Lester’s autobiography: Author: A True Story!  Determining the author’s purpose through story clues was our main skill.  We learned that when an author’s main purpose is to inform, he or she may include many facts.  Entertaining and persuading were other purposes we discussed.  We also read different nonfiction articles and provided evidence to support the purpose.  Similes and metaphors were discussed through various poems.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 17.  (100 minutes)

Math:  We practiced how to use multiplication and division fact triangles to make fact families.  There were many tips and tricks that we practiced in order to start learning our facts.  Baseball multiplication was a new game that students really enjoyed!  They also reviewed how to solve multiplication and division number stories.  Our unit 4 test will be next Thursday, November 20.  A review guide will be going home on Tuesday.

Science:  We spent the week reviewing major concepts from our habitat unit.  The unit test was on Thursday.  In the LMC, students began their biome research project using various note-taking strategies.  They used nonfiction books to find information about the climate and animal adaptations.  Next week, we will begin our new social studies unit: The Midwest! 
Writing:  At the beginning of the week, students worked on their personal narrative final copies.  Then, they started to share their final pieces with the class!  In grammar, students learned how to combine sentences that have the same predicate or the same subject. 
Spelling/Cursive:  Students took their week 11 spelling test.  Next week will be a review week for spelling, so there will be no homework.  We continued to work in our cursive packets. 

Miscellaneous:  The November writing words test will be on Friday, November 21.  This test will be cumulative and cover the October words as well.  Please let me know if you need additional copies of the lists.  Just a reminder, November book orders are also due on November 21.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!

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