Friday, September 30, 2016

Fall Book Chat with Mrs. O'Kelly!

You can still sign your 3rd-5th grader up for the Fall Book Chat in the LMC until Friday, September 30th.  You can find details and access the permission slip here!  You can contact Mrs. O'Kelly with any questions .

This Week...

September 26- September 30, 2016

Reading:  Book discussions were a main topic this week.  Students learned that good readers share their thinking and ideas with others.  We discussed important rules for sharing and how to be a good listener.  Students learned that their reading binder is a special place to record thinking about our reading.  We practiced responding with predictions, questions, and connections.  Students read their independent reading books, poems, and an interesting TFK article about the hyperloop transportation system.
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 3.  (100 minutes)
Math:  As we began unit 2, students discovered different kinds of fact families.  Students practiced using fact triangles to help them learn their basic facts.  A letter about Xtra Math and IXL went home on Monday.  These are great resources for students to practice their math facts and concepts.   We also spent time working on number stories.  Students learned key strategies to help them focus on important information.  They utilized various diagrams to help them solve the problems.
Social Studies:  Students learned how to read a map grid by looking at the letter and number combinations.  They also presented their country projects!  Students did a wonderful job applying their knowledge of map skills to develop creative countries!  Our map skills unit test will be on Wednesday, October 5.  A review guide will be going home on Monday.
Writing:  In WEX, students continued to work on the skill of focus.  They learned that focusing in writing means to make careful observations, include tiny details, and stick to one topic.   Students also gave specific feedback to each other about their writing.  In grammar, we worked on identifying the predicate in a sentence.
Spelling:  We took our week 4 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  Flat Stanleys were sent out on Tuesday!  Please tell your friends and family to be on the lookout for a giant envelope.  There is still time to sign up for Mrs. O’Kelly’s fall book chat.  If you are interested in reading the book PAX and meeting during your lunch recess time, please sign up by the end the day!  The first session starts October 5.  The link and permission slip will be posted on our blog.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Students are very excited to create their own countries!  Country projects are due Wednesday, September 28.  A list of expectations went home this week.  Below is a picture of the sample map.  I shared this with students as I explained the project.  You may find it helpful to refer to this example as your child works on his/her map. Please let me know if you have any questions! 

During writing, students worked together to brainstorm ideas for various category topics!  After, they wrote about their experiences using specific details, dialogue, and juicy words.

In reading, students have been working hard to make connections and record their thinking.  They have been documenting their ideas on sticky notes.  These sticky notes have helped prepare them for meaningful discussions with their peers!

This week...

September 19- September 23, 2016

Reading:  Making connections as we read was a main topic this week!  Students learned that good readers make connections to gain a deeper understanding of the text.  Students read poetry and nonfiction articles to practice recording their thinking.  Writing down their thoughts in the margins of the text or on sticky notes helped the students feel prepared for purposeful reading discussions with their classmates. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, September 26.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Students reviewed major concepts from unit 1 and took the unit 1 math test.  They practiced how to round numbers to find an estimated cost.  As we began unit 2, students discovered different kinds of fact families.  Students practiced using fact triangles to help them learn their basic facts.  A family letter went home today detailing the key concepts of unit 2.
Social Studies:  Students learned how to use map scales to find accurate distances from one place to another.  By using a ruler to measure the distance in inches, students were able convert that measurement to determine the actual distance in miles.  We also discussed the country project, which students will create at home.  A list of guidelines and directions were sent home, as well as a piece of white construction paper.  These country projects will be due on Wednesday, September 28.  I am looking forward to seeing the students’ creative ideas!  Students also learned how to read various community maps.  They focused on points of interest and street names to understand the layout of downtown San Francisco.  By looking at a map of downtown Washington D.C., students learned how to use the metro system!  They also worked on identifying various lines and transfer stops.
Writing:  In WEX, students practiced giving specific feedback to classmates by using various response starters.  They also started working on their first skill: focus.  We practiced focusing on a single moment in time by using careful observation and tiny details.  In grammar, we worked on identifying the subject in a sentence.
Spelling:  We took our week 3 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  Students enjoyed our first spirit day: Sports Day!  Picture day will be on Thursday, September 29.  Please send in your forms if you plan on ordering pictures.  Also, the PTA reflections contest is coming up!  Mrs. Fuglestad has the entry forms.  Entries are due October 28.  The theme this year is “What is your story?”  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2016

We worked hard in math and played the game "Name that Number".  We also learned about the Zones of Regulation!  These four zones help us monitor and manage our behavior so that we are ready to learn!

This Week...

September 12- September 16, 2016

Reading:  We had the opportunity to read a variety of poems, including the book Swirl by Swirl by Joyce Sidman.  We discussed how poetry is beautiful, but can sometimes contain challenging vocabulary.  We focused on strategies that good readers use when they approach difficult words.  Substituting synonyms, using prior knowledge, studying the illustrations for clues, and using context clues are just a few of the strategies students practiced this week. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, September 19.  (100 minutes)
Math: Students practiced using calculators to solve “change-to” problems where a number is given and needs to be changed to a new number.  They were responsible for figuring out how to get to the new number using a variety of operations.  As a class, we learned the importance of knowing our basic facts during the game “Beat the Calculator”.  Money concepts were also reviewed at the end of the week.  Students wrote different amounts in dollar-cents notation.  Our unit 1 math test will be on Wednesday, September 21.  A review guide will be going home on Monday.
Social Studies:  Students learned how to use a physical map to determine various landforms across the country.  They discussed how different regions have particular landforms based on their location.
Writing:  We started our writing program: The Writer’s Express (WEX)!  Students enjoyed learning about the writer’s mindset, the rules for writing, and how to “show” readers with their words.   In grammar, students differentiated between commands and exclamations.  They used correct capitalization and ending punctuation to make sure the words formed a complete sentence.
Spelling:  We took our week 2 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  We had another great week!  On Wednesday, we had the wonderful opportunity of attending the Music for Youth concert.  By watching peers play the violin and cello, students were able to see if this experience was something they would like to do in the future.  We also worked on our Flat Stanley letters!  We hope to send these out by the end of next week.  Just a reminder, book orders are due on September 29.  I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, September 9, 2016

This Week...

September 5- September 9, 2016

Reading:  We spent time reading Balloons Over Broadway, which was a biographical account of Tony Sarg, the man who helped create the balloons in the Macy’s Day Parade.  Students learned that good readers think about the topic before, during, and after reading.  They accessed their prior knowledge by recording what they already knew about the parade.  Then, they formed important questions to show what they wondered about the topic.  While reading, students recorded facts they learned from the book.  During independent reading, students worked on finding “just-right” books and staying actively engaged.
Reading Logs are due Monday, September 12.  (100 minutes)
Math: At the beginning of the week, we brainstormed ways to determine if we had longer last names or longer first names in our class.  Students recorded their data in a tally chart and displayed their findings in a bar graph.  Then, we analyzed the data by finding the maximum, minimum, range, mode, and median.  Name collection boxes were another main focus this week.  Students learned how to write equivalent names for certain numbers by using money, tallies, and arrays.  They also enjoyed finding different number combinations while playing “Name that Number”.

Social Studies: We discussed how people live in a variety of places at the same time.  We focused on our continent, country, state, and town.  Students also learned that the equator and prime meridian divide our world into four different hemispheres. 
Writing:  Students worked on sentence elaboration by learning the importance of including details.  They realized that if the writer does not use specific words, the reader cannot form an accurate picture in his or her mind.  Students experimented with this idea by creating their own juicy sentences about a favorite animal!  In grammar, students differentiated between various types of sentences.
Spelling:  We took our week 1 spelling test.
Miscellaneous: I had a wonderful time meeting many of you on Curriculum Night!  I look forward to working with you throughout the year!  This weekend, students have the opportunity to show an act of kindness in remembrance of 9/11.  I know the students will show great character!  Just a reminder, please turn in recorder and Flat Stanley forms as soon as possible…thank you.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!