Friday, September 30, 2016

This Week...

September 26- September 30, 2016

Reading:  Book discussions were a main topic this week.  Students learned that good readers share their thinking and ideas with others.  We discussed important rules for sharing and how to be a good listener.  Students learned that their reading binder is a special place to record thinking about our reading.  We practiced responding with predictions, questions, and connections.  Students read their independent reading books, poems, and an interesting TFK article about the hyperloop transportation system.
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 3.  (100 minutes)
Math:  As we began unit 2, students discovered different kinds of fact families.  Students practiced using fact triangles to help them learn their basic facts.  A letter about Xtra Math and IXL went home on Monday.  These are great resources for students to practice their math facts and concepts.   We also spent time working on number stories.  Students learned key strategies to help them focus on important information.  They utilized various diagrams to help them solve the problems.
Social Studies:  Students learned how to read a map grid by looking at the letter and number combinations.  They also presented their country projects!  Students did a wonderful job applying their knowledge of map skills to develop creative countries!  Our map skills unit test will be on Wednesday, October 5.  A review guide will be going home on Monday.
Writing:  In WEX, students continued to work on the skill of focus.  They learned that focusing in writing means to make careful observations, include tiny details, and stick to one topic.   Students also gave specific feedback to each other about their writing.  In grammar, we worked on identifying the predicate in a sentence.
Spelling:  We took our week 4 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  Flat Stanleys were sent out on Tuesday!  Please tell your friends and family to be on the lookout for a giant envelope.  There is still time to sign up for Mrs. O’Kelly’s fall book chat.  If you are interested in reading the book PAX and meeting during your lunch recess time, please sign up by the end the day!  The first session starts October 5.  The link and permission slip will be posted on our blog.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a fabulous weekend!

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