Friday, October 28, 2016

This Week...

October 24- October 28, 2016

Reading:  Students focused on the various nonfiction text structures that authors use while writing nonfiction.  Description, chronological, comparison, problem/solution, and cause/effect were the main structures that students looked for while reading different texts.  They searched for key signal words and phrases to help them determine the structure.  Students also became word detectives!  We discussed how many nonfiction texts have challenging, content-specific vocabulary.  Students learned three strategies to use when coming across an unknown word: using context clues, accessing prior knowledge, and using the glossary.   
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 31.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Students practiced measuring the perimeter of polygons.  We also created an experiment involving probability and pattern block shapes.  Students predicted and confirmed their guesses by collecting data on how many times a shape would fall on its edge.  We discussed line plots as a way to display data.  Finding the minimum, maximum, range, median, and mode were also practiced.  At the end of the week, students determined the area of various polygons.  They learned that in order to find the area, they need to count the number of square units inside the shape.  They also used number models to figure out the area by multiplying the amount of rows by the amount of squares in each row.  The unit 3 test will be on Thursday, November 3.  A review guide will be going home next week.
Science:  Students participated in an engaging, hands-on activity about the relative size of bodies in our solar system.  We talked about how scientists use scale models to demonstrate an idea that may be much larger in real life.  If the moon is a grain of sand, the earth would be a mustard seed, and the sun would be a basketball!  We discovered that the moon and sun appear to be similar in size because the sun is 93 million miles from us.  Students also took their sun quiz today.  Next week, we will begin our study of the moon!
Writing:  In writing, we began our personal narratives!  Students learned the characteristics of this writing genre and wrote about an important moment in their lives.  They started by identifying a strong section and adding more showing details.   They also took their October writing words test.  In grammar, students learned how to change singular nouns into plural nouns.  We discussed special endings and rules.
Spelling:  Students took their week 8 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  Students celebrated Bullying Prevention month and Character Counts week!  Just a reminder, on Monday, students should wear their costumes for the afternoon only.  The Halloween parade will begin around 1:30.   Our party will take place when we get back to the classroom.  Thank you to everyone who donated supplies, organized games, and volunteered to help us!  Have a wonderful weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Just Jump Challenge!

I'm thrilled to announce that our class raised the most money in third grade for the Just Jump Challenge!  Way to go!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Solar System Anticipation Carousel!

Students made predictions about various statements about the solar system!  They moved around the room and signed their names on true/false statements.  Throughout our unit, we will be investigating this information and finding out whether or not the statements are true or false!

This Week...

October 17- October 21, 2016

Reading:  Nonfiction text features were a key focus this week.  Students learned how to identify, locate, and utilize these features in a variety of nonfiction books.  They also discussed the purpose of each feature and how it helps the reader comprehend the text.  We also read A Butterfly is Patient.  Students worked on activating their prior knowledge and recording their wonderings about various topics.  To practice engagement in our books, students worked on FQR (Fact, Question, Response) charts during independent reading time in order to record their thinking about the topics.   
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 24.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We dove right into unit 3!  Students practiced measuring line segments to the nearest whole, half, and quarter inch.  Finding personal references for the U.S. customary system and the metric system was a main focus.  At the end of the week, students practiced measuring the perimeter of polygons.  Just a reminder, please make sure your child is completing his/her fact test homework if applicable.
Science:  We started our new science unit: the solar system!  Students explored their own ideas about what causes daytime and nighttime.  They also tracked the shadow of a basketball hoop throughout the day.  They learned that the sun plays a part in creating shadows.  When the sun “appears” to move over time, it affects where the shadow moves on the pavement.
Writing:  Students learned how to incorporate “strong verbs” in their writing.  They continued to work on “showing” instead of “telling”.  In grammar, students discriminated between common and proper nouns.  The October writing words test will be on Thursday, October 27.  A list went home at the beginning of the month.  Students also have a list inside their take home folders.
Spelling:  Students took their week 7 spelling test.
Miscellaneous:  Thank you to everyone for their support in the Just Jump Challenge!  The Dryden PTA publication, Kidz Voice, is accepting essays, creative writing, nonfiction articles, and illustrations for their upcoming issue!  Please consider this great opportunity!  They are due on November 3.  An informational letter went home today that includes many important details for Halloween.  I also reviewed these with our class…please let me know if you have any questions!  Have a fabulous weekend!  

Friday, October 14, 2016

This Week...

October 11- October 14, 2016

Reading:  Students read various poems and determined the “big idea”.  They used text clues and prior knowledge to determine the author’s message.  Students also learned how different nonfiction text features can help readers understand important information.  They completed a nonfiction scavenger hunt using articles from National Geographic magazine.  At the end of the week, students took a reading quiz where they demonstrated their ability to make connections, ask questions, and form visualizations.  They also determined important story elements while reading a fiction passage.
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 17.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We spent time reviewing key concepts from unit 2 and students took their test on Thursday.  Next week, we will begin unit 3, which focuses on different types of measurement!  A family letter will be going home on Monday, detailing the major concepts of our upcoming unit.
Science:  Students learned that scientists use mental, pictorial, and physical models to represent ideas.  They made their own physical models of favorite animals using clay.  Students also had the opportunity to create their own science experiments based on an “I Wonder” statement.  They created questions, made a plan, and took observations.  Through this process, the students learned that they are scientists! 
Writing:  Students completed their first RA, or revision assignment, which asked them to turn one of their telling sentences into a showing sentence.  They also worked on a new skill: showing!  Students learned how to differentiate between telling and showing sentences.  They wrote about a time when they were excited using various showing details.  In grammar, we reviewed key concepts from unit 1. 
Spelling:  Students took their unit 1 review spelling test.  Next week, normal spelling lists and homework will resume.  
Miscellaneous:  October book orders went home this week and are due on October 28.  This week in the LMC, students continued to work on showing digital citizenship.  We also had a bus evacuation drill where students learned important bus safety rules.  Have a great weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Reading Workshop!

This week, students learned that stories must contain key elements: characters, setting, problem/conflict, plot, resolution, and theme.  Students worked in pairs to read various books by Helen Lester.  They completed story maps to show their understanding of the elements!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

This Week...

October 3- October 6, 2016

Reading:  Students learned that good readers use the words in a story to create visualizations in their mind.  Creating these visualizations helps readers better understand the story.  We reread portions of Patricia Polacco’s The Bee Tree to practice this useful strategy.  Students also reviewed the key elements of fiction.  They used a story map to outline the main characters, setting, problem/conflict, plot, resolution, and theme.  They learned that thinking through a story map can help them monitor their understanding of a fiction story by focusing on the most important parts.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday, October 11.  (100 minutes)
Math:  The partial sums addition method was practiced, in addition to the trade-first and counting up method.  We also worked on number stories with multiple addends.  Today, students completed a review guide.  The unit 2 test will be Thursday, October 13. 
Social Studies:  Students reviewed important concepts from our map skills unit.  They took the unit test on Wednesday.  Next week, we will begin our first science unit: the solar system!
Writing:  In WEX, students wrote about objects by focusing on tiny details.  They also made careful observations to describe various settings.  We also started monthly writing words!  An informational letter went home on Wednesday, along with a copy of the words.  The October writing words test will be at the end of the month.  A specific date will be shared as it approaches.  In grammar, we worked on combining sentences to form compound sentences, which included a connecting word and a comma.
Spelling:  We took our week 5 spelling test.  Next week will be a review week for spelling.  We will not have spelling homework and the test will be multiple-choice.
Miscellaneous:  Thank you to everyone who participated in Walk to School Day…it was great to enjoy the beautiful weather while walking with our friends and families!  This week, in the LMC, students learned the importance of digital citizenship.  Students created superhero comics to highlight ways they can be a responsible digital citizen while using the Internet.   Also, an informational letter about Student Council went home this week…applications are due Tuesday, October 11.  Just a reminder, there will be no school for students on Friday (School Improvement Day) or Monday (Columbus Day).  Enjoy the long weekend!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions!