Friday, February 3, 2017

This Week...

January 30- February 3, 2017

Reading:  In the beginning of the week, we focused on how authors use figurative language to express ideas.  We learned the difference between similes and metaphors.  Students were able to identify the comparisons being made within the text.  We also learned the important terminology used in dramatic plays.  We acted out Stone Soup while determining the theme of the story.  Students used clues and text evidence to support their thinking.
Reading Logs are due Monday, February 6.  (100 minutes)
Math:  At the beginning of the week, students learned the names of various polygons.  They used straws to create polygons with different features.  Students also learned how to draw the mirror image of an object from a line of symmetry.  Congruent shapes were discussed and investigated.  The unit 6 test will be on Friday, February 10.  A review guide will be going home on Wednesday.
Social Studies:  Agriculture and Illinois industries were a main area of focus this week.  Students explored how farm products are turned into food and how it reaches consumers.  We also had a rich discussion about various industries, such as manufacturing and business.  Students identified adults they knew and where their jobs fit in the various industry categories.  Our Illinois unit test will be next Wednesday, February 8.  A review guide will go home on Monday.  The Northeast states and capitals test will be Friday, February 10.
Writing:  Students chose a character trait and moment for their response to literature essay!  They also developed interesting leads to hook the reader.  Some of these leads included questions or interesting details.  They learned that leads need to include the title of the book and the author.  On Tuesday, students took their January writing words test.  The February writing words list went home on Thursday.  In grammar, we focused on the past and present tenses for the following verbs: have, be, and do.
Spelling:  We had our week 19 test.
Miscellaneous:  We had a busy week full of exciting experiences!  Students enjoyed the book fair!  It was great to see everyone picking out some wonderful books.  On Wednesday, students participated in Global Play Day!  They had the opportunity to document their activities and reflect on their learning.  On Thursday, our class enjoyed a presentation from the Cook County Farm Bureau.  Students learned about various crops and how important farming is to the state of Illinois.  I hope you have a fabulous weekend…please let me know if you have any questions!

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