Friday, December 8, 2017

This Week...

December 4- December 8, 2017

Reading:  This week, we focused on being word detectives.  We revisited the nonfiction article “New Hope for Beauty”.  Students practiced using context clues and the topic of the article to figure out the meaning of unknown words.  They also reviewed how to determine the main idea and details of an article.  At the end of the week, students focused on author’s purpose.
  Reading Logs are due Monday, December 11.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We continued working on unit 6.  Students focused on their 6, 7, 8, and 9 multiplication facts.  They practiced using the “use a fact you already know” strategy.  Using arrays, number lines, multiple addition, and pictures was also practiced throughout the week. 
Social Studies:  We discussed how kids grew up in the Midwest during the late 1800s.  Students wrote pioneer letters written from the perspective of a child living at that time.  They also learned about the economy of the Midwest.  Henry Ford and his use of the assembly line was a main focus.  The Midwest unit test will be next Friday, December 15th.  A review guide and flashcards will be going home on Tuesday.  This test will cover concepts from the Midwest as well as the states & capitals. 
Writing:  Students did an expository writing project focused on how to build a snowman.  They used transition words to describe the steps in an organized manner.  In grammar, students focused on possessive nouns.
Word Study:  Students continued working on homophones, synonyms, and antonyms.  They read a poem and identified pairs of synonyms and antonyms.  They also illustrated pairs of homophones to show the different meanings. 
Miscellaneous:  Students were so excited to begin the Cardboard Challenge this week!  Thank you to all the families who generously donated cardboard to our classroom…we greatly appreciate it!  Students learned about Caine, a nine-year old boy who was the inspiration for this global challenge.  Then, they met in pairs to brainstorm ways to use their cardboard.  After sketching out ideas and choosing their favorites, the groups met with other groups to receive/give feedback.  Next week, students will use the feedback to make changes to their designs and begin building their projects!  Please let me know if you have any questions…have a great weekend!

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