5- February 9, 2018
Reading: While reading a variety of poetry about the
Olympics, students practiced making inferences. They used their background knowledge and
clues from the text to figure out information about the events being described. We also reviewed key strategies and skills
from our fiction unit. At the end of
the week, students took their fiction unit test.
Reading Logs are due Monday,
February 12. (100 minutes)
Math: After taking our unit 8 test, we began unit
9! An informational letter was sent
home detailing the key concepts.
Students applied bar models to multiplication and division
problems. They learned about two
different types of models and how to use them to figure out real life story
problems. We will continue unit 9 next
Social Studies: Students
took their Illinois test. They also
completed their Northeast states and capitals. In the LMC, students continued using
various search engines like World Book Online to find important information
about a famous Illinoisan. Next week,
we will begin our new science unit: Forces and Action!
Writing: We continued reading about Maria Isabel. Students reviewed how to find subjects and
verbs within a text. Then, they wrote
about a moment where Maria Isabel liked or disliked something that happened
in the book. They used details from
the text to support their thinking. In
grammar, students worked on choosing the correct form for past tense verbs.
Word Study: This week, we analyzed words that contained
vowels paired with the letter “r”.
Students learned that the letter “r” impacts the sound of the
vowels. They practiced this concept by
playing the game “Follow the Path”.
Miscellaneous: Just a reminder, if your child is planning on
bringing valentines, please be sure there is one for each student and that
they do not contain food/candy.
Valentine boxes are due on Monday, February 12. Next week, students will take the remaining
two CogAT tests. Please let me know if
you have any questions. Have a great
weekend and enjoy the snow day!
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