Monday, March 19, 2018

Magnetic Devices!

Students were excited to build their own magnetic devices!  They worked with a partner to design something that solved a practical problem.  

Friday, March 16, 2018

This Week...

March 12- March 16, 2018

Reading:  We revisited a reference nonfiction book about roller coasters.  Students learned the importance of using the index and table of contents to locate important information.  We discussed how these tools can be a starting point for further research about a topic.  At the end of the week, students read an article about motion.  They learned how the “sketch-noting” strategy can help them remember key concepts from a nonfiction text.  Students drew their visualizations and jotted down their thinking.
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 19.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We dove right into chapter 13!  Vertical and horizontal bar graphs were a main focus.  Students learned how to create a bar graph by labeling the x and y axis.  They also learned how to determine the scale.  They analyzed the data to answer comparison questions.  At the end of the week, students learned how to create a line plot from data presented in a tally chart.  The chapter 13 test will be on Tuesday, March 20.  A review guide will be going home on Monday.
Science:  Students participated in the magnet challenge where they created a question to test using two magnets.  They gathered materials, made predictions, and recorded observations.  They learned that the strength of the repelling or attracting force depends on the distance between the magnets.  They also worked in pairs to design and create a magnetic device that solved a practical problem.
Writing:  In writing, we focused on adjectives and sensory details.  Students created “list” poems that focused on spring.  They brainstormed nouns, verbs, and adjectives that represented the season.
Word Study:  This week, we analyzed words that create a certain consonant sound, but contain different spelling patterns.  We also worked on identifying action words.  At the end of the week, students made high frequency words with word tiles.
Miscellaneous:  Today marks the last day of PARCC testing.  Thank you for your continued support over the past couple weeks!  Students have their West states and capitals test on Tuesday, March 20.  We will learn our last region after spring break: The South!  In the LMC, students completed their Illinois quilt research.  March book orders are due On Wednesday, March 21.  Progress reports went home today…feel free to send the signed envelope back to school on Monday or you may bring it with you to your conference.  I look forward to meeting with you next week!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions…enjoy the sunshine and have a great weekend!

Friday, March 9, 2018

This Week...

March 5- March 9, 2018

Reading:  We continued reading different books about force and motion.  We used a reference nonfiction book about roller coasters to investigate how visualize aids help our understanding.  We learned that visualize aids can provide us with examples, context, background, and additional information about the topic.  At the end of the week, we explored a poetry book about forces.  We were able to find poetic language that helped us answer our essential question: “How and why do objects move?”
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 12.  (100 minutes)
Math:  This week, we began exploring different graphing concepts from chapter 13!  We will be skipping ahead to chapter 13 and coming back to the chapters we missed later in the year.  We also spent a day analyzing the data that we collected from the Winter Olympics!  Students analyzed line plots and created pictographs to show the medal counts about various events.
Science:  Students investigated magnets!  They tested out various materials to see if they were pulled by a magnetic force.  Students also investigated if magnetic forces could travel through different materials.  They learned that the donut magnets could attract objects through water, wool cloth, and paper.
Writing:  In writing, we completed our editing checklists for our response to literature essays!  Students made sure they had effective leads, a character trait, and text details.  We discussed the importance of writing complete sentences and checking for clarity. 
Word Study:  This week, we worked on adjectives and verbs.  Students used their own independent reading books to find examples of these parts of speech.  Then, they applied what they found to create their own sentences.
Miscellaneous:  This week, students took their Math PARCC tests.  Next week, we will be taking the ELA PARCC tests.  Thank you for your support during this testing window!  March book orders went home and will be due on Wednesday, March 21.  The West states and capitals test will be on Tuesday, March 20.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend! 

Friday, March 2, 2018

This Week...

February 26- March 2, 2018

Reading:  We read a reference nonfiction book about force and motion.  Each section was about a different motion topic.  Students learned that the title of the chapter, the headings, and the first sentence of the paragraph can help them determine the main idea.  They used a “Sum It Up” organizer to record the main idea and supporting details.  Students also completed their Olympic research and presented their information to classmates!
Reading Logs are due Monday, March 5.  (100 minutes)
Math:  This week, students reviewed major concepts from unit 9.  They continued to work on complex word problems requiring more than one step.  Today, students took the first half of their unit 9 assessment.  They will complete the second half on Monday. 
Science:  Students learned about predictable motion patterns.  They tested their predictions using pendulums, marbles, and slinkys.  They learned that these items had various motion patterns.  When they tested out the circular pendulums, they learned that the circumference of the circle decreased as time passed by.
Writing:  In writing, we started our final writing piece for My Name is Maria Isabel.    Students chose one character trait displayed by Maria Isabel in the book and described a moment that was tied to the trait.  Then, they created a lead to hook the reader.  After, the worked on writing their rough drafts! 
Word Study:  This week, we worked on analyzing sentences that contained the same subjects, but different predicates.  Students combined sentences to avoid repetition.
Miscellaneous:  On Monday, we enjoyed a visit from Olympic curler, Joni Cotten!  She gave a wonderful presentation on the sport of curling and what it takes to be an Olympic athlete!  Just a reminder, PARCC testing begins next week.  The testing schedule went home last week and it’s also posted on our blog…please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

PARCC Testing

PARCC testing begins next week!  Below is our testing schedule...please let me know if you have any questions.

March 6: Math Session 1 (1:10-2:45)
March 7: Math Session 2 (1:10-2:45)
March 8: Math Session 3 (1:10-2:45)
March 9: Math Session 4 (1:10-2:45)

March 13: ELA Session 1 (1:10-3:00)
March 15: ELA Session 2 (1:10-3:00)
March 16: ELA Session 3 (1:10-3:00)