August 27- August 31, 2018
Reading: We began our Launch unit in our Schoolworks program with a story called Bucaneer Bunny We learned about connecting the text to ourselves and relating to the main character of the story, Henry.
Math: We took a five minute test on our addition facts. This quick check will occur twice a week. When students show mastery at 90% or better, they will move onto subtraction, multiplication and division.
We also began learning about numbers and how to write them in word form and standard form. |
Social Studies: We began our unit on Map skills on Friday. We learned about different types of maps, what symbols represent, and finally reviewed the seven continents.
Writing: This past week, we focused our writing on making goals for third grade, describing ourselves in few words, and how we can be giving.
Word Study: The students started to be tested on word study words that they know and don't know on Friday. Each day we will write 40 words from a master list. This will generate an individual list of words that each student should be practicing at home.
Miscellaneous: Thank you so much for the smooth start to the beginning of the year. Having the students ready to learn with all of their supplies and support from home makes a big difference. I'm looking forward to talking with you further on Curriculum Night this coming Thursday, August 30th at 7:00pm. If you have any questions before then, please email me at and I would be happy to help in any way I can.
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