Friday, January 25, 2019

This Week...

January 22- January 25, 2019

Reading:  Students read a Chinese folktale, Gu Dong is Coming, which was about two different characters.  They analyzed the characters’ actions, words, feelings, and thoughts to determine appropriate character traits.  We discussed how characters can change over time due to an experience in the book.  Finally, we talked about the difference between literal and figurative language while reading The Claw.  We discussed examples of similes, metaphors, personification, and idioms. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, January 28.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Students applied bar models to multiplication and division problems.  They learned about two different types of models and how to use them to figure out real life story problems.  Some of the problems required two steps.  Students read the questions carefully to pull out key information.  We will continue unit 9 next week!
Social Studies:  Branches of government continued was our main focus in social studies this week!  We discussed how each branch of the government has a specific job, which helps the power stay balanced in our country and our state.  Students learned that the legislative branch makes the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws.  In the LMC, students researched a famous Illinoisan.
Writing:  Students worked on using sensory details to describe various experiences.  They also completed a revision assignment for their character trait entry about Maria Isabel.  We enjoyed listening to classmates’ strong excerpts!  In grammar, we identified action verbs. 
Word Study:  This week, students worked on putting words in alphabetical order.  They learned what to do if words share the same first letter.
Miscellaneous:  The book fair is coming to Dryden next week!  Information will be sent home today explaining all the details.  As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child is coming to school with appropriate winter gear…thank you!  Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!

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