Wednesday, March 20, 2019

This Week...

March 18- March 20, 2019

Reading:  We continued reading different books about force and motion.  We used a reference nonfiction book about roller coasters to investigate how visualize aids help our understanding.  We learned that visualize aids can provide us with examples, context, background, and additional information about the topic.  At the end of the week, we explored a poetry book about forces.  We were able to find poetic language that helped us answer our essential question: “How and why do objects move?”
Reading Logs are due Monday, April 1.  (200 minutes)

Math:  We continued working on skills within our fraction unit!  Students made equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number.  Students also worked on simplifying fractions.  They had to figure out the greatest common factor and use their division skills to create fractions in their simplest form.  When comparing numbers, students found common denominators. 

Science:  Students participated in the magnet challenge where they created a question to test using two magnets.  They gathered materials, made predictions, and recorded observations.  They learned that the strength of the repelling or attracting force depends on the distance between the magnets.  They also worked in pairs to design and create a magnetic device that solved a practical problem.

Writing:  In writing, students focused on one moment when they brushed their teeth.  They incorporated strong verbs and adjectives.  Some students also included figurative language!  “Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle” was an example of onomatopoeia and “it was as red as bricks” was an example of a simile.

Word Study:  We worked on identifying adjectives in literature.  Students figured out that adjectives are words that describe a noun.

Miscellaneous:  Students enjoyed celebrating “Mix and Match Day”!  They also enjoyed a special recess reward for completing the Kindness Challenge.  I look forward to seeing you at conferences on Thursday and Friday.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing spring break!

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