Friday, September 6, 2019

This Week...

Reading:  We had the opportunity to read the book Swirl by Swirl by Joyce Sidman.  We discussed how poetry is beautiful, but can sometimes contain challenging vocabulary.  We focused on strategies that good readers use when they approach difficult words.  Substituting synonyms, using prior knowledge, studying the illustrations for clues, and using context clues are just a few of the strategies students practiced this week.  We also completed KWL charts for a variety of nonfiction books.  Students practiced recording their prior knowledge, questions, and facts with the bookBalloons Over Broadway.  Reading Logs are due Monday, September 9.  (100 minutes)

Math: We focused on comparing numbers using base-10 blocks, place value grids, and number lines.  Students played “Guess that Number” to practice describing the difference between place values.   Completing number sequences by focusing on the pattern was another focus.  On Friday, students will be taking the chapter 1 test.  We will spend time reviewing in school next week.  Xtra Math information went home on Thursday.  This is a great way for students to practice their basic addition and subtraction facts at home!

Science:  This week, we continued to take careful observations of various weather situations.  We learned that weather occurs in the troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere that is closest to earth.  We also learned how clouds are formed and why wind impacts the weather.

Writing:  In writing, students enjoyed two books written by Eloise Greenfield.  Both books were written from a character’s perspective.  We are learning how to get writing ideas from the books we read!  Many students wrote about people in their lives, as well as other interesting topics.  In grammar, students worked on identifying the subjects and predicates of various sentences.

Word Study:  Students created words by combining onsets and rimes.  They also identified the beginning consonant clusters of words.

Miscellaneous: Students are doing a great job getting into the routine of a new school year!  Thank you for your help and support.  September book orders went home this week and are due on September 27.  Please feel free to order online or submit a paper order with a check if you are interested in buying any books.  Also, we began our Flat Stanley projects!  Forms went home this week and can be returned once you’ve had a chance to find a recipient.  Please let me know if you are unable to find someone to take your child’s Flat Stanley.  Thank you for your help with this special project!  Finally, as I mentioned on Curriculum Night, I will be on maternity leave starting at the end of December.  More information will be coming closer to that date.  Thank you again for support and have a wonderful weekend!

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