Friday, October 31, 2014

This Week...

October 27- October 31, 2014

Reading:  Students worked on distinguishing fact from opinion in various articles.  They found keywords/phrases, such as “probably, I think, I believe, should, best” which helped them locate opinions.  Vocabulary was practiced within the context of different texts.  We also did a close reading of a poem entitled, Walk Lightly.  Students used details in the stanzas to understand personification.  They analyzed how the author made nature have human qualities.
Reading Logs are due Monday, November 3.  (100 minutes)
Math:  At the beginning of the week, students reviewed how to find area with multiplication models.  We also explored diameter and circumference.  By measuring circular objects and recording measurements, students discovered the “3-times” rule to help remember the circumference of a circle is about 3 times the diameter.  Students also spent time reviewing how to measure to the nearest ¼ inch, and how to find the perimeter/area of a polygon.  They took the unit 3 test on Thursday.  We will begin unit 4 next week!
Science:  Students discussed the differences between “needs” and “wants”.  They learned that in order to survive, an organism’s basic needs must be met within its habitat.  Students brainstormed various ways that organisms meet their basic needs of food, water, air, protection, and space.  They also identified physical and behavioral adaptations that help the animals and plants survive.  At the end of the week, students participated in a bird beak experiment that demonstrated the importance of different adaptations.
Writing:  In writing, we began our personal narratives!  Students learned the characteristics of this writing genre and selected a piece from their journals to revise.  They started by identifying a strong section and adding more showing details.  Then, they chose a section that needed revision.  After creating their revisions, students worked on their rough drafts.  In grammar, students learned irregular plural noun forms, such as “feet” and “geese”.  Students also took their October writing words test this week.  The November writing words list will be going home next week.
Spelling/Cursive:  Students took their week 9 spelling test.  In cursive this week, students practiced the letters “m” and “x”. 
Miscellaneous:  Thank you again to all the volunteers who made our Halloween party a success!  A special thank you to Lucy’s mom and Nicky’s mom for coordinating the events.  We really appreciate everyone who donated something for the party or volunteered their time to assist in the activities!  Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2014

This Week...

October 20- October 24, 2014

Reading:  Distinguishing reality from fantasy was our main reading skill this week.  Students worked on identifying fantasy elements, as well as reality elements with the story, Wolf!.  We continued working on generating questions and using nonfiction text features to help us understand information.  Author’s purpose was also a focus this week.  Students found evidence in various texts to support the purpose: to persuade, to inform, or to entertain.  We also did a close reading of a poem entitled, Give Me Normal.  Students used details in the stanzas to make inferences about the characters.
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 27.  (100 minutes)
Math:  Students practiced measuring the perimeter of polygons.  We also created an experiment involving probability and pattern block shapes.  Students predicted and confirmed their guesses by collecting data on how many times a shape would fall on its edge.  We discussed line plots as a way to display data.  Finding the minimum, maximum, range, median, and mode were also practiced.  Students ended the week by determining the area of various polygons.  They learned that in order to find the area, they need to count the number of square units inside the shape.
Science:  In science, students conducted an experiment where they created models of plant stems using paper towels and twist ties.  After observing and analyzing the results, students learned that the thickest stem with the waxy covering retained the most water.  They connected this to how cactus plants are able to hold water in order to survive in the desert.  We also learned about various biomes and where they can be found in the world.   At the end of the week, students participated in close reading activities with nonfiction articles about hermit crabs.  Students worked in teams to become experts on their topics and created posters to demonstrate their learning.  Main idea and detail organizers were completed to help students choose the most important parts of the articles.
Writing:  Students continued to utilize and incorporate strong verbs in their writing.  Students practiced the skills of focus and showing to describe a moment of action.   They also worked on adding showing details by playing a movie in their mind.  This helped them focus on sensory details.  In grammar, students learned how to change singular nouns into plural nouns.  We discussed special endings and rules.  Just a reminder, the October writing words test will be on Thursday, October 30.
Spelling/Cursive:  Students took their week 8 spelling test.  In cursive this week, students practiced the letters “o” and “n”.
Miscellaneous:  Students participated in a variety of activities to celebrate Bullying Prevention month and Character Counts week!  Just a reminder, on Friday, students should wear their costumes for the afternoon only.  The Halloween parade will begin around 1:15.   Our party will take place when we get back to the classroom.  Thank you to everyone who donated supplies, organized games, and volunteered to help us!  Have a fabulous weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, October 17, 2014

This Week...

October 14- October 17, 2014

Reading:  This week, students worked hard applying a summarizing strategy to various readings.  They practiced completing story maps using ordinal words (first, next, then, last).  The texts included “The Wind and the Sun”, and “The Strongest One”.  Students practiced the key aspects of good fluency: accuracy, expression, medium speed, and punctuation awareness.  We also spent time working with antonyms.  Students used close reading strategies while reading two different science texts: Home is an Oak Tree and The Cactus Hotel.  Students discovered which organisms use these plants to survive.   At the end of the week, students worked on questioning.  They learned the importance of asking questions in order to stay engaged with the text. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 20.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We began unit 3!  An informational letter was sent home detailing important concepts of the unit.  Measurement was the main focus of the week!  We read the story How Big Is A Foot? to understand the importance of standard units of measure.  Students did a hands-on activity where we found our average class shoe size.  They also practiced measuring line segments to the nearest whole, half, and quarter inch.  Finding personal references for the U.S. customary system and the metric system was also a focus.
Social Studies:  We dissected lima beans to find important seed parts: the seed coat, stored sugars, and the embryo.  We watched a seed germination time lapse video clip to experience how a plant grows from a tiny seed.  Students also participated in a hands-on paper cutting activity that demonstrated how the Illinois prairie is rapidly disappearing.  Students learned that development and farming are major factors that have contributed to the decrease in prairie acres.  They also learned about various adaptations that plants have in order to survive in their environments, as well as how seeds disperse.
Writing:  Students worked on incorporating strong verbs in their writing to show the reader what was happening at a particular moment.  In grammar, students discriminated between common and proper nouns.
Spelling/Cursive:  Students took their week 7 spelling test.  In cursive this week, students practiced the letters “q” and “g”.

Miscellaneous:  This week, students enjoyed a visit from Lieutenant Larson, an Arlington Heights fireman!  He shared many important tips and rules about fire safety. Thank you to everyone who already returned their purple conference forms.  If you have not done so yet, please send it in as soon as possible.  Thank you again for all your continued support at home…have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This Week...

October 6- October 9, 2014

Reading:  Students read various articles about plant characteristics and soil.  They utilized main idea and detail charts to sort through important information.  They learned that plants have various physical characteristics that help them survive in their environment.  At the end of the week, students did a close read of two plant poems.  They took notes in the margins and underlined interesting phrases.  Analyzing figurative language, such as similes, was also discussed.  Utilizing and understanding how nonfiction text features (captions, charts, bold words, etc.) help a reader continues to be a focus in class.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday, October 14.  (100 minutes)

Math:  Students reviewed and practiced the main concepts from unit 2.  We took our unit 2 test at the end of the week and we will begin unit 3 on Tuesday!  A family letter will be going home detailing the upcoming measurement topics.  We also started using Dreambox online to focus on specific math skills and topics.  Students brought home an informational letter on Wednesday that has their log-in information. 

Social Studies:  Students had the opportunity to create their own science experiments based on an “I Wonder” statement.  They created questions, made a plan, and took observations.  Through this process, the students learned that they are scientists!  We also discussed characteristics of soil, which included terms such as loam, humus, and nutrients. 

Writing:  Students learned how to incorporate “strong verbs” in their writing.  They continued to work on “showing” instead of “telling”.  In grammar, we reviewed key concepts from unit 1. 
Spelling/Cursive:  Students took their unit 1 review spelling test.  Next week, normal spelling lists and homework will resume.  In cursive this week, students practiced the letters “c” and “d”. 

Miscellaneous:  October book orders went home this week and are due on October 30.  I am also excited to announce that we sent our Flat Stanleys on their way!  We look forward to hearing about their exciting adventures across the United States!  Thank you to all the families and friends who are helping support us in this project!  Just a reminder, there will be no school for students on Friday (School Improvement Day) or Monday (Columbus Day).  Enjoy the long weekend!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Couple Reminders...

Walk to School Day is taking place tomorrow (Wednesday)!  Please meet at the various corners to walk to school with teachers and your friends!

October book orders went home today.  There are 3 catalogs to choose from.  These orders will be due on October 30!  Thank you to everyone who ordered in September...we had a great turnout!

Friday, October 3, 2014

This Week...

September 29- October 3, 2014

Reading:  Students worked hard applying the problem and solution skill to various texts including The Perfect Pet, and “Pets: True or False”.  Students also read an article about a Texas oil spill.  They highlighted evidence that supported the problem and solution.  Multiple meaning words were discussed and practiced in context.  Diagrams were the text features analyzed this week.  Students learned how diagrams help them understand the meaning of the text.
Reading Logs are due Monday, October 6.  (100 minutes)

Math:  We continued practicing function boxes by analyzing patterns and rules.  Number stories were another main focus for the week.  Students worked on solving number stories with the problem solving steps and different diagrams.  Total-part-part, start-change-end, and quantity-quantity-difference were the diagrams students used.  The partial sums addition method was practiced, in addition to the trade-first and counting up method.  The unit 2 test will be Wednesday, October 8.  A review guide will be going home next week.

Social Studies:  At the beginning of the week, students worked hard reviewing for their map skills unit test.  Students also shared their wonderful map projects!  It was very enjoyable to see all the interesting ideas and hard work students put into the projects.  At the end of the week, students learned about mental, pictorial, and physical models.  They made their own physical models of favorite animals using clay.  Next week, we will begin our first science unit: habitats!    

Writing:  Students completed their first RA, or revision assignment, which asked them to turn one of their telling sentences into a showing sentence.  They also worked on a new skill: showing!  Students learned to differentiate between telling and showing sentences.  In grammar, we worked on combining sentences to form compound sentences, which included a connecting word and a comma.

Spelling/Cursive: In cursive this week, students practiced the letters “a and j”.  We took our week 5 spelling test.  Next week will be a review week for spelling.  We will not have spelling homework and the test will be multiple-choice.

Miscellaneous:  Congratulations to Giorgio on becoming our student council representative!  October writing words went home this week.  Please keep this list in a safe spot…students will be tested on these words at the end of the month.  We are almost ready to send our Flat Stanleys on their way…we hope to mail them out at the beginning of next week!  Please let me know if you have any questions…have a great weekend!