14- October 17, 2014
Reading: This week, students worked hard applying
a summarizing strategy to various readings. They practiced completing story maps using ordinal words
(first, next, then, last). The
texts included “The Wind and the Sun”, and “The Strongest One”. Students practiced the key aspects of
good fluency: accuracy, expression, medium speed, and punctuation
awareness. We also spent time
working with antonyms. Students used
close reading strategies while reading two different science texts: Home
is an Oak Tree and The Cactus Hotel. Students discovered which organisms use these plants to
survive. At the end of the
week, students worked on questioning.
They learned the importance of asking questions in order to stay
engaged with the text.
Reading Logs are due Monday,
October 20. (100 minutes)
Math: We began unit 3! An informational letter was sent home
detailing important concepts of the unit. Measurement was the main focus of the week! We read the story How Big Is A Foot?
to understand the importance of standard units of measure. Students did a hands-on activity
where we found our average class shoe size. They also practiced measuring line segments to the nearest
whole, half, and quarter inch.
Finding personal references for the U.S. customary system and the
metric system was also a focus.
Social Studies: We dissected lima beans to find important
seed parts: the seed coat, stored sugars, and the embryo. We watched a seed germination time
lapse video clip to experience how a plant grows from a tiny seed. Students also participated in a
hands-on paper cutting activity that demonstrated how the Illinois prairie is
rapidly disappearing. Students
learned that development and farming are major factors that have contributed
to the decrease in prairie acres.
They also learned about various adaptations that plants have in order
to survive in their environments, as well as how seeds disperse.
Writing: Students worked on incorporating strong
verbs in their writing to show the reader what was happening at a particular
moment. In grammar, students discriminated between common and
proper nouns.
Spelling/Cursive: Students took their week 7 spelling
test. In cursive this week,
students practiced the letters “q” and “g”.
Miscellaneous: This week, students enjoyed a visit from
Lieutenant Larson, an Arlington Heights fireman! He shared many important tips and rules about fire
safety. Thank you to everyone who already returned their purple conference
forms. If you have not done so
yet, please send it in as soon as possible. Thank you again for all your continued support at
home…have a great weekend!
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