Friday, October 13, 2017

This Week...

October 10- October 13, 2017

Reading:  Students learned how different nonfiction text features can help readers understand important information.  They completed a nonfiction scavenger hunt using articles from National Geographic magazine.  We also had a class discussion about chapters 1-9 in A Nest for Celeste.  Students did a great job visualizing their favorite parts in the book and discussing their ideas.  At the end of the week, students took a reading quiz where they demonstrated their ability to make connections, ask questions, and form visualizations.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday, October 17.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We continued focusing on multi-digit addition!  Students used base-10 blocks to understand why we need to regroup for certain problems.  They also looked for key information in story problems to help them figure out what operation to use.  On Wednesday, October 18, we will have our chapter 3 math test.  We will be preparing for the test in class, so there will not be a review guide going home.    
Science:  Students were excited to start our weather unit!  We had a science talk about what weather is, how it affects us, and why it’s important.  We learned that weather is how the sky looks and how the air feels.  Students recorded their observations about various weather situations.
Writing:  Students completed their first RA, or revision assignment, which asked them to turn one of their telling sentences into a showing sentence.  They also worked on a new skill: showing!  Students learned how to differentiate between telling and showing sentences.  They wrote about a time when they were excited using various showing details.  In grammar, we worked on identifying the predicate in a sentence.
Word Study:  Students focused on words that use the letter “y” as a vowel.  They learned that 1-syllable words that end in “y” make a long i sound (try) and multi-syllable words that end in “y” make a long e sound (family).  Students also played “Go Fish” by finding words that had matching consonant digraphs.
Miscellaneous:  October book orders are due on October 27.  Please continue reading the next section of A Nest for Celeste, as we plan to discuss it next week.  An electronic conference form was sent out via email…please fill it out if you have a time preference.  Just a reminder, there will be no school for students on Monday (School Improvement Day).  Have a great 3-day weekend!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

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