8- January 12, 2018
Reading: At the beginning of the week, we read various
fables. We analyzed the characters’
actions to determine appropriate character traits. We also talked about how authors use sensory
details to evoke a certain mood from the reader. We practiced identifying positive and
negative moods conveyed by the author.
Reading Logs are due Tuesday,
January 16. (100 minutes)
Math: We continued learning new concepts from
unit 7. Students learned how to
multiply double- digit x single-digit numbers, as well as triple- digit x
single-digit numbers. We discussed how
to regroup using base-10 blocks. The
unit 7 test will be on Thursday, January 18.
A review guide went home today.
Social Studies: Students created Abraham Lincoln collages based
on significant events in his life. We
had a great discussion about the impact Lincoln had on our country and our
state. Students also learned how
Illinois became a state. We discussed
how Native Americans and Europeans played a role in the history of Illinois.
Writing: Students worked on a New Year’s Resolution
writing project! They developed
various resolutions based on four aspects of their lives: home, school,
personal, and character. We also began
unit 2 in our WEX writing program!
Unit 2 focuses on a response to literature. We started the book My Name is Maria
Isabel and students identified showing details that helped develop the
main character. In grammar, students
identified action verbs in various sentences.
Word Study: This week, students worked on identifying
words that contained silent letters.
They also learned that consonants can produce different sounds in
different words.
Miscellaneous: Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break with
family and friends. Just a reminder,
January book orders went home this week…they are due January 31. Students were also introduced to our new
states and capitals region: the Northeast!
The Northeast test will be at the beginning of February. On Thursday, students enjoyed a wonderful
assembly called The Pro-Kids Show!
They learned about the importance of showing good character…thank you
to the PTA for sponsoring this event!
Just a reminder, MAP testing starts next week. We will be taking the math MAP test on
Tuesday and the reading MAP test on Friday.
There will be no school on Monday in honor of MLK Day. Please let me know if you have any
questions…have a great weekend!
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