Friday, January 19, 2018

This Week...

January 16- January 19, 2018

Reading:  A major focus for the week was developing theories for mystery stories.  We talked about the importance of citing text evidence and our background knowledge to support our theories.  Students were very engaged and interested in our main mystery about the Mary Celeste, a mysterious ship from the 1800s whose crew went missing. 
Students also read a Chinese folktale, Gu Dong is Coming, which was about two different characters.  They analyzed the characters’ actions, words, feelings, and thoughts to determine appropriate character traits.  Students took their reading MAP test today.  Reading Logs are due Tuesday, January 23.  (100 minutes)
Math:  We reviewed and practiced concepts from unit 7.  Students applied their knowledge of multi-digit multiplication to various story problems.  We took the unit 7 test on Thursday.  Students also took their math MAP test on Tuesday.  An informational letter will be going home today explaining details for unit 8!
Social Studies:  Students learned about different historical moments in Illinois history, including the Great Chicago Fire and the Great Depression.  They learned that Chicago used the fire to rebuild their city with stronger materials, such as steel.  At the end of the week, we learned about the three branches of government.  Representative Carroll also came in to do a presentation about how our state government works.
Writing:  We continued reading in our Maria Isabel books.  Students learned how to use evidence from the text to develop appropriate character traits for Maria Isabel.  Then, students wrote about a person in their own lives and connected him/her to a particular trait.
Word Study:  This week, students worked on various spelling patterns.  They focused on words with double consonants.  They learned that the double consonant can be in the middle or at the end of the word.  Usually, a short vowel sound will precede a double consonant, but that’s not always the case.  Students sorted words based on these characteristics.  They also learned about spelling patters that create the /oi/ sound.
Miscellaneous:  A letter went home this week explaining our upcoming participation in Global Play Day, which will take place on February 7.  Just a reminder, there is no school on Monday.  As we get more snow and have colder temperatures, please make sure your child is prepared to go outside with the appropriate gear.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a great 3-day weekend!

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