Thursday, December 5, 2019

This Week...

            December 2- December 6, 2019

Reading:  At the beginning of the week, students accessed their prior knowledge about great white sharks.  They recorded their knowledge, questions, and facts in a KWL chart while reading a reference nonfiction article.  They also reviewed how to compare and contrast two different topics using an article about chimpanzees and humans. 
Reading Logs are due Monday, December 9.  (100 minutes)

Math:  We focused on division story problems and how to draw pictures of equal groups.  Students worked on missing factor equations.  The unit 6 test will be on Wednesday, December 11th.  A review guide will be going home on Monday.  Please remind your child to practice his/her basic multiplication facts.  Reflex and IXL are great options!

Social Studies:  Students learned about the economy of the Midwest.  Henry Ford and his use of the assembly line was a main focus.  We also discussed how kids grew up in the Midwest during the late 1800s.  Students learned that families lived in soddy houses and shared many different chores on the farm.  After reading about the pioneers in social studies, students wrote letters written from the perspective of a child living in the Midwest during the 1800s.  

Writing:  In writing, we used sensory details to write a personal narrative about Thanksgiving.  Students also wrote an expository about how to build a snowman.  Transition words were used to describe the steps.  In grammar, we focused on common and proper nouns.  Students learned that proper nouns must be capitalized. 

Word Study:  We continued working on figuring out the relationship between words.  Students discovered new synonyms and antonyms.  They also practiced their high frequency words with tiles.

Miscellaneous:  Students were so excited to begin the Cardboard Challenge this week!  Thank you to all the families who generously donated cardboard to our classroom…we greatly appreciate it!  Students met in small groups to brainstorm ways to use their cardboard.  They worked collaboratively to make designs and begin the building process.  We were also excited to welcome Mrs. Matters to our classroom on Wednesday!  Finally, students filled up our Character Counts chart with 200 stars!  They voted to have a movie party.  Next week, a permission slip will be going home that will need to be signed and returned.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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