Thursday, November 21, 2019

This Week...

November 18- November 22, 2019

Reading:  Students became word detectives using a book about animal tongues!  We discussed how many nonfiction texts have challenging, content-specific vocabulary.  Students learned three strategies to use when coming across an unknown word: using context clues, accessing prior knowledge, and using the glossary.  At the end of the week, students practiced summarizing the key points of a text from Time for Kids about Saturn’s largest moon, Titan.  They also reviewed author’s purpose with Waiting for Ice, a book a book about polar bears.
Reading Logs are due Monday, December 2.  (200 minutes)

Math:  We continued working on unit 6.  Students focused on their 6, 7, 8, and 9 multiplication facts.  They practiced using the “use a fact you already know” strategy.  Using arrays, number lines, multiple addition, and pictures was also practiced throughout the week.  Students can continue practicing their facts on IXL so they become automatic.

Social Studies:  We began learning about the Midwest!  We read about the landscape of the Midwest.  We discovered that the land was once covered with glaciers, which later formed many of our lakes.  Students also learned about the major types of transportation that were used in the 1800s.  Midwest state research also began!  Students were excited to start learning about a Midwest state of their choice.

Writing:  In writing, we continued writing personal narratives.  We read an entry from Child times called “John and the Snake”.  We learned that we can write about a single, interesting incident that happened in our own lives.  We continued using sensory details to describe our moments.  In grammar, we continued working on learning the rules of singular and plural nouns.

Word Study:  At the beginning of the week, students focused on synonyms and antonyms.  They learned that synonyms have similar meanings, while antonyms have opposite meanings.  Students also participated in a making words activity about Thanksgiving.

Miscellaneous:  Students enjoyed participating in Hat Day!  They also loved watching the 2nd grade musical.  We were so excited to participate in various coding activities in the LMC this week.  Mrs. Corley taught us how to use programming to move Sphero balls.  Just a reminder, book orders are due Friday, November 22.  We will also be collecting cardboard through December 2nd.  Thank you for your donations!  I also wanted to thank you for the thoughtful baby gift!  I am truly thankful for such wonderful students and their families.  I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving break!  As always, please contact me if you have any questions…enjoy!

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