Friday, January 24, 2020

This week...

Reading:  This week in reading we talked about how readers use their background knowledge and details from a text in order to infer what the theme or message is in a story.  We spent time analyzing four ways writers tell us about their characters.  We also discussed how authors use imagery and sensory details to help create a mood, as well as a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, making the story come alive!
Reading Logs are due Monday, January 27th.  (100 minutes)

Math:  This week, we continued to investigate strategies to use for solving division problems.  The students spent time solving division with and without regrouping in the tens and ones place values.  We will spend the next few days reviewing this concept.  Chapter 8 test will be next Wednesday, January 30th.
 **Please remind your child to continue practicing his/her basic multiplication/division facts. **

Science: This week, students accepted the Igloo Challenge!  Each partnership had to design and build an igloo using cups, plates, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, straws, and glue!  Each team designed an igloo, chose supplies, and then built their structure!  Partners found that they had to modify their design during the building process.  All teams reflected on what worked for them, as well as what adjustments needed to be made in order to achieve success.  Pictures of the igloos are posted on the class blog.

Writing: We continued our exploration of nonfiction texts about animals.  Students spent time examining different texts and talking about the various ways an author presents information to the reader.

Word Study:  This week students worked on organizing words based on vowel-consonant letter patterns.    They extended the activity by working with words that have the vowel-consonant-silent e pattern.

Miscellaneous: On Wednesday, students participated in their first Dolphin Pod activity!  We began with an all-school assembly, and then students met in their Pods.  All Pods are multi-age, providing a wonderful opportunity to interact with others from different classes and grade levels. 
Students brought home their personal narratives this week.  I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I did!  The class shared their writing pieces in small groups, and the stories will be available during independent reading.
Our class will be visiting the Book Fair next Tuesday morning. 
Permission slips were sent home for our upcoming field trip to the Elgin Symphony Orchestra on Friday, March 20th.  Please sign and return this along with the payment for transportation by February 7th.

Have a great weekend!

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